A Big Day for the Birds, Embudo, NM

A Big Day for the Birds, Embudo, NM.

Yesterday, July 7, 2015, was a good day for birding. In the late afternoon, I began setting up to photograph the hummingbirds that come to the feeder on our back deck. I was hoping to photograph the Rufous male that had recently shown up. But then I heard a plaintive repeated call off to my right, and looked over to the bird houses just a few yards away. Perched there and crying for attention was the (or one of the) juvenile Ash-throated flycatcher(s) that had been born and raised in one of those houses. Then I noticed a blue bird in a bush, just to the side of the bird houses. It was a blue grosbeak, and sat long enough for me to photograph it. I am thrilled with these, my first photographs of a blue grosbeak. I was using my Nikon D80 with 70-300mm lens, zoomed all the way out. I never did get to photograph the Rufous male yesterday, but got flash photos of  Black-chinned hummers instead. Maybe today I’ll get to photograph Señor Rufous.

Juvenile Ash-throated flycatcher

Juvenile Ash-throated flycatcher

Juvenile Ash-throated flycatcher

Juvenile Ash-throated flycatcher

Female Black-chinned hummingbird

Female Black-chinned hummingbird

Male Black-chinned hummingbird

Male Black-chinned hummingbird

Blue Grosbeak

Blue Grosbeak

Blue Grosbeak

Blue Grosbeak

About Evensteven

I am a photographer and author, and live in Embudo, New Mexico, alongside the Rio Grande. I have published a book of photography and accompanying text on running the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. The first (print) edition is out of print, but a second edition is available as an iBook (eBook) through the iTunes bookstore. All Grand Canyon, river and nature lovers will enjoy my book: The Grand: https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-grand/id672492447 I have also published six additional iBooks: 1. The Salt River: https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-salt-river/id12449222822. 2. Coyote Buttes: https://books.apple.com/us/book/coyote-buttes/id1271773201 3. Four Cornered, the Land: https://books.apple.com/us/book/four-cornered/id1384038899 4. Four Cornered, The Rivers: https://books.apple.com/us/book/four-cornered-book-two-the-rivers/id1402287568 5. Rio Marañon: https://books.apple.com/us/book/four-cornered-book-two-the-rivers/id1402287568 6. Rio Grande: https://books.apple.com/us/book/rio-grande-new-mexico/id1469126321
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